To become an acknowledged and credible world-class Exchange EN
Overview and History of IDX
Historically, the capital market has existed long before Indonesia's independence. The capital market or stock exchange has existed since the Dutch colonial era and precisely in 1912 in Batavia. The capital market at that time was established by the Dutch East Indies government for the benefit of the colonial government or the VOC.

Creating a trusted and credible financial market infrastructure to deliver fair, orderly and efficient market, accessible to all stakeholders through innovative products and services
Always work together synergistically to achieve common goals
Consistency between thoughts, speech, and action by always upholding honesty, transparancy and independences in accordance with company values and applicable norms
Showing attitude, appearance, and competence with full responsibility to provide best results
Service Excellence
Always provide the best service for stakeholders
Meskipun pasar modal telah ada sejak tahun 1912, perkembangan dan pertumbuhan pasar modal tidak berjalan seperti yang diharapkan, bahkan pada beberapa periode kegiatan pasar modal mengalami kevakuman. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti perang dunia ke I dan II, perpindahan kekuasaan dari pemerintah kolonial kepada pemerintah Republik Indonesia, dan berbagai kondisi yang menyebabkan operasi bursa efek tidak dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya.
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia mengaktifkan kembali pasar modal pada tahun 1977, dan beberapa tahun kemudian pasar modal mengalami pertumbuhan seiring dengan berbagai insentif dan regulasi yang dikeluarkan pemerintah.